clay workshops

Giving ourselves time to calm our fluctuating mind by finding focus through creation.

In our everyday lives it can be challenging to dedicate the time and space to creativity. The medium of clay offers us the chance to slow down and find trust within the tool that we were given: our senses. Invite your curiosity to a clay workshop in community.

Breakfast-Club Yoga Breakfast Ceramics Event in Vienna, August 4th 2024
Vienna, Im Hinterhof 1070

Breakfast Club | 04.08.24

Time to feel good! Start the day in community in the heart of Vienna with a feelgood Yoga Sequence, followed by a delicious healthy breakfast bowl. After enjoying our nourishing food you get to create and express yourself through clay to build a breakfast bowl for your morning ritual at home.

mint glaze on spotted clay developed by Antonia Hinterleitner
Hettenkofergasse 21, 1160 Vienna

Pottery Wheel Introduction

You are curious about the pottery wheel. This pottery beginner workhsop is your invitation to throw your first pieces on the pottery wheel. You will learn about the material and tools when creating with clay. This ceramics workshop is dedicated to your needs and will take place with a maximum of 4 people.

Kids Yoga by bruno-nascimento-huswdBT2DtY-unsplash
Vienna, July 2024

Kids Creativity Yoga

Creative Summer Kids Workshop in Wien von 15. – 19. Juli 2024. Eine Woche Inspiration und Ausdruck über Yoga, Bewegung, Atmung und Experimente in Malerei und Tonarbeit in deinen Sommerferien 2024.Es erwartet dich eine Ferienwoche gefüllt mit Kreativität, Bewegung und Ausprobieren 

clay workshop by pot.tonic; Credit: Bernhard Schindler for Kunstahauscafe Graz
Vienna, Graz you name it

Private Ceramics Event

Ever thought about being creative with your loved ones? Host a private event at the studio or any cozy and inspiring space of your choice. Material, tools, firing and glazing is managed for you. Let yourself be swept away by the process of creating something with your hands.


An expression of
your creativity

In a workshop setting you will find a safe space to create, build, fail and start from scratch. There is time and support dedicated to you. It is a listening, repeating and questioning. We are all learning together, every step of the way.

Clay workshop by pot.tonic at Universalmuseum Joanneum; Credit: Theresa Koppler

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